Eating Right for Bike Rides: A Simple Guide by Ultimate Bike Hire Mallorca

nutrition for cyclist

Cycling is awesome, and Mallorca gives your best option to pedal through the exotic terrains and the vast landscape which are not only alluring to the eyes but also one’s heart. It is an exhilarating experience, there is no doubt, but you need to stay energized for your whole cycling experiment. Therefore, what you eat matters a lot for a great ride. Whether you’re a newbie or a pro cyclist, good food can make you pedal better and longer. So, are you ready to break down the basics of what to eat to keep those wheels spinning?

Power Up with Carbs

Carbs are the primary source of energy of our body and if you are planning a full-day trip, carbs can keep you energized throughout. Think of carbs like your bike’s fuel but also remember that the quality of the carbs matters too. Foods like oats, whole grains, fruits, and veggies give you the energy to keep going. They’re like the gas for your cycling adventure.

Here is a list from which you can choose:

Fruits: Bananas, Berries

Vegetables: Potatoes, Peas, Corn

Whole Grains: Oats, Brown rice, Quinoa, Millet

Beans and Legumes: Beans, Lentils, Chickpeas, Black beans

Breads and Pasta: Multigrain breads, Pasta

Dairy: Yogurt

Other: Cereal, nuts

Fix Muscles with Protein

Cycling works your muscles, and they need fixing afterward. Eat stuff like chicken, fish, beans, or tofu. These are protein-packed foods that help your muscles recover.

Stay Hydrated, Always

Don’t forget to drink water and also carry water with you! Cycling can make you thirsty, so sip water before, during, and after your ride. If you’re cycling for a long time, try sports drinks such as electrolyte-enhanced beverages for an extra boost. To make transport easier, you can carry pouches of your beverage such as Skratch Labs Sport Hydration Drink Mix. You can also look for Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Electrolyte Powder which serves best for heavy sweating.

Smart Fats for Energy

Not all fats are bad. Good fats, like the ones in salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds, give you energy and keep you going. It’s like having a reserve tank for your ride. So, go for it.

When to Eat: Before and After Riding

Before: Eat a mix of carbs and some protein 2-3 hours before your ride. If you’re in a rush, a small snack is cool too.

During: Have easy snacks like energy bars or bananas for longer rides to keep your energy up. Here are some recommendations for energy bars: TORQ BAR, OTE DUO BAR, CLIF BAR, HAMMER BAR, and SKRATCH LABS BAR. Some of these are made for two servings, therefore they are good for longer rides. Read the description before buying them. You can find most of the energy bars at the local market here in Mallorca.

After: Recharge with carbs and protein within 30 minutes of finishing your ride. It helps your muscles recover faster.

Make It Your Own

Not all people are the same and so are their food choices and needs.  Pay attention to how your body feels after eating different things. You might need more or less of certain foods. It’s like finding the right gears for your bike. In this case, you need to experiment a little to determine what your body likes and dislikes. Before you venture into a bike ride, make a list of what you can eat and pack accordingly.

If you are in a hurry, remember that energy bars and drinks are always there to make your bike ride successful.

Extra Help: Supplements

Food is the main deal, but sometimes we need a little extra. Vitamin D, calcium, and iron can be added through supplements if you’re not getting enough from food.

Wrapping Up

What you eat can make your bike ride way more fun! So, eat good stuff, listen to your body, and enjoy every pedal. A happy tummy means a happy ride!

Ride on and enjoy your cycling adventures!

Lastly, if you want to book the best bikes in Mallorca, don’t forget to check out our gallery. We deliver to your doorstep and provide every step of the way for easy and wonderful experience.